GAU Music Teaching Entrance Examinations



GAU Music Teaching Entrance Examinations

Girne Amerikan University (GAU) special talent examinations are starting on Friday the 10th of July.


At the announcement made by GAU it was recorded that the tutorials held before the exam aims to prepare students for the exam, and was also stated that:


‘At these education periods candidates will become skilful at different fields like musical dictate, solfeggio, sight-sinning and acknowledge by names, hearing sounds in melodies and rhythms correctly.’


The aim of meeting before the exam is to introduce candidates with the department teachers who they will be with during the education period and so that any questions about the Music Teaching department may be answered.


Talent Exam


Information given about the talent exam that will be held on Monday 13th, and Tuesday 14th July:


‘The talent exam will be assessed and evaluated over 100 points. Only the instrumental test will be evaluated separately and will be assessed over 100 points.’


According to this, candidates will:

  1. Repeat the ‘na’ syllable that is given 5 times. (5points)
  2. Performed at the same time; the 5 dual sounds, ‘na’ syllable will be asked to be repeated one by one and students will be asked to tell which gap it refers. (10points)
  3. 3 sound acronyms of the ‘na’ syllable will be played 4 times and repeated by the candidate. (12points)
  4. A melodic ‘na’ syllable will be asked to be repeated. (10points)
  5. An 8 tonal scale solfeggio piece will be asked to be sung in a sigh-sinning structure. (22points)
  6. Chosen from before by candidates any one song, march, or ballad must be sung so that it could be observed how the candidate uses the voice, voice verge, the tonal quality and tonal emotion. (11points)
  7. Dictate: a modal or tonal 8 scaled sequence will be played and candidates will be asked to write the piece. (30points)

(Note: Dictate examination will be done collectively)


Instrumental Talent:


To observe the instrumental levels of individuals, candidates will be asked to play a few minutes of different types of musical pieces. (100point)


At the end of the talent exam the total points given by the commission members will be divided by the total number of the members and will be calculated with the success points of the candidate. According to the general ranking of the examination, candidates will be listed from the highest success marks and will enter the quota according to the Special Talent Examination and therefore will gain the opportunity to register for the GAU Music Teaching Faculty.


At the announcement it was highlighted that candidates registering for the examination must be a TRNC citizen and any scholarships gained by candidates from the GAU can be officially used at the beginning of the 2015 semester. The scholarship examination will be held on the 6th of June, timing 10:00.