Speaking At The Higher Education Workshop, GAU Vice Chancellor Of The Board Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi Has ...



Speaking At The Higher Education Workshop, GAU Vice Chancellor Of The Board Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi Has ...

 Speaking at the Higher Education Workshop in Nicosia, CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board of Girne American University (GAU)  Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi has said that the contribution of the universities to the economy is 1,3 billion dollars and he has pointed out that this amount is equal to the 28% country income and has also talked about the difficulties of the private universities.


Stating that the one fourth of the population of Cyprus consist of the university students Vehbi has said that “It is hard to see the same amount in some other places and really hard amount to reach. There are 75 thousands students in 300 thousands populated TRNC.


Universities have a huge impact


Underlining the importance of the universities for Northern Cyprus, Vehbi has emphasized the important role of the universities and in behalf of the universities the academics and students on the TRNC community, economy and socio-cultural life.


Asım Vehbi has said that the higher education needs a very good administration and control and has also stated that the universities provide a cultural wealth and a social dynamism. Vehbi has said that “if we consider a calendar year of the Girne American University, there are more than 700 academic, social, cultural and sportive activities. “If we assume that this amount is same in other universities and if we know that these activities realize by the participation of the people, so we know that not only the economic but also the sociocultural wealth occurs.”


The benefits of the universities are quite a lot


Expressing that the universities realize very important social responsibility projects, provide a support in every field and produce an intellectual wealth, Vehbi has said that “Even our media make use of the academics of the universities in many aspects. If we consider the last presidential election, we could see that almost each candidate has had academic support. And I think this is something to be proud of.”


 Stating that the universities are part of the life and provide a very important area for the sportive development Vehbi has said that, “These students form an important source at the 1.league basketball, football and in many club teams of many fields.


Contribution to the economy is 1,3 billion dollars.


In his speech, Vehbi has shared data of the Turkish Republic Aid Committee’s study and has also emphasized that the contribution of the universities to the economy  is 1,3 billion dollars and he has pointed out that this amount is equal to the 28% country income.


Vehbi has emphasized that the 1,3 billion dollars do not directly reflect to the universities. He has said that  28% of the amount reflect to the food & beverage, 17% to the sheltering, 5.2% to the domestic transportation, 5% to the communication expenses, 5% to the clothes, 4.8% to the air ways, 3.3% to the stationery expenses, 2.7% social life, art and sports and 1% reflects to the other fields.


Even not recognized by the states of the world


Vehbi has stated that TRNC is known as an education country due to its higher education even though it is not recognized by the states of the world. Vehbi has also said that “When the students, that come from 120 different countries, return to their countries make an honorary representation for us. Our academic background, geographical position, good climate and low crime rates are known by many countries.”


Vehbi has stated that the 7 universities of the TRNC perform their duties very well and the universities take joint action with the created consortium and also said that “I am one of the first 3 constituents of this consortium. In many places we are prestigious.  Vehbi also added that “Cyprus Universities Union has established in the cooperation of 6 constituent members Girne American University, Cyprus International University, Akdeniz University, British University of Nicosia, The American University of Cyprus and Metropolitan University. There are 7 universities that are out of this system. Aim of this institution is to share our difficulties with the government, find a solution,  act together and establish a joint strategic vision.”


States and government do not fulfill their responsibilities


Asım Vehbi emphasizing on the insufficient effort of the State and government of not accomplishing their required responsibilities towards the private universities has also stated that “there are no authority and no structure to take the responsibility of the problems being encountered by the universities, this must be arranged positively”.  Vehbi also underlined that the higher education is left in between the none-specified authority of Presidency, YÖDAK and the Ministry of Education”.


Reproach to the Political Parties


Asım Vehbi also criticizing the approach of the political parties in regards to universities, and emphasized that if municipalities, local administrations, government and the State is prepared to undertake the responsibility of accommodating 100 thousand students in total as it had been aimed to.


“What is been done to reach this number of students, furthermore what has been done? Wouldn’t problems arise more as it will be reached to this number? I do not observe any policies in regards to this situation and also reckon there is none. In my opinion a Ministry must be appointed in this sense.

Unfair competition among the universities


“There is unfair competition among our universities and there are 3 types of universities. Private universities, Foundation universities and campuses of two universities of Turkey. Turkish Republic and TRNC governments have responsibilities about the attitude of the state toward the universities. There are different attitudes for each university and the most victim universities are the private universities. There must be equal attitude toward the universities no matter how different the universities are from each other. Because we provide similar programs  with the similar standards and with the similar prices. So that means there is unfair competition thus this must be evaluated in a body.” Vehbi has also stated that there is no equality in the financing and also stated that the healthcare system is inadequate, also the public transportation has serious problems. So universities have to provide the public transportations. Nevertheless universities are also been intrupted by the governments in this respect.


Criteria are Discreditable


Asım Vehbi emphasizing on the discreditable situation of the criteria set for operating a university in TRNC has also underlined that neighboring countries, Southern Cyprus and Turkey must all be referred prior to set criteria. “We have had stood against a plot in which the International American University was announced to bankrupt due to their non-accredited conditions and now we are facing a problem as such. This is due to the comfort involved in establishing a university. I hereby call upon our President, the Parliament, Government, the Minister of Education and YÖDAK to undertake this responsibility against this threat. Istanbul may be a convenient place to build universities under quality education facilities within a single building. On the other hand, campus universities must continue in Cyprus depending on the new policies and vision as the resource of the capital is significant to be known. Criteria must be set in line with law and be documented. The new universities must all be established accordingly to the law”, said Vehbi.