GAU Career Days Continue



GAU Career Days Continue

Celebrating its 30th academic anniversary 2014-2015 GAU has added another event to its list. The Credit West Bank Human Resources Manager Fatma Zorlu Celebi, forwarded important information via the ‘GAU Career Days’ seminar.


Celebi has shared the projects desgined for Youngers in order to help them plan their future, at the seminar held in the GAU Millennium Senate Hall at GAU. The GAU Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Oguz Karakartal and the Dean of the Economics department Prof. Dr Ulvi Keser and many students attended to the Career Days event.


The Credit West Human Resources Manager Fatma Zorlu Celebi forwarded information aiming to ones which are studying and have graduated university mentioning two projects which are ‘Trying Myself’, and ‘Genius Software’.


Aiming to stop brain drain and helping students plan their future with the two programs ‘Trying Myself’ and ‘Genius Software’, Fatma Zorlu Celebi announced that, especially students abroad are able to be introduced with the Credit West Bank.


The GAU students paid attention to the seminar closely.