The American College Scholarship Entry Exam Taken Place



The American College Scholarship Entry Exam Taken Place

The American College Scholarship Entry Exam has taken place at the school building on the 23rd of May, Saturday. The exam which contained Maths, Turkish and English questions due to the entry to the college was held in two sessions.


The results of the exam which had a large turnout were announced at the school web site, school notice board and secretary office. While arrestingly that the students that had participated the scholarship entry exam had generally got high points, the excitement of the students and parents was remarkable.


While the number of students that had attended the exam had increased by 30%, it was sated that 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% scholarship is going to be given to the students that have showed success. Along this, scholarships are going to be given to students that show success in sports and art besides their education scholarship.


The Smart Class implementation


The following was said at the statement made by the American College after the exam result being received. “We accomplished many achievements during the 2014-2015 education years. First of all we started a new age at education by interacting with tablet computers, touch-operated smart boards that update themselves by internet in the smart classes that we started.”


The following was said at the statement that emphasized that genuine security politics considering the education principles School Group will be applied by the GAU to enable the American College students to reach secured information on the internet.


The difference of the American College


“Our main objective is to provide our students to reach sources that serve educational causes with the new term at education that has started and improved this year and it is planed for it to continue.”


At the statement that emphasized the social project standing out along with the achievements in education it was pointed out that 100% success was achieved at the international exams with Painting studies. It was stated that the American College along with accomplishing big projects with students that are taking A levels in Art Classes, have also gained a lot of success in sports, that has gained a place in all of this years international competitions in a lot of different branches and that lots of contributions were ensured in the advertisement of the country by representing the TRNC at Turkey in basketball, football, table tennis, athletics and fencing.”