
GAU, Broadens New Horizos
‘The Girne American University has broadened new horizons in ways of education, teaching, and lifelong paths, and is enabling many opportunities for every age group of people…’
GAU secretary general and GAU-SEM general co-ordinator Assist. Prof. Dr Sual Davut, stresses on important announcements at a TV program.
Pointing out the specialty of the GAU that all students are aware of, Davut expressed these words, ‘the Girne American University has broadened new horizons in many ways of education, teaching and lifelong paths, and is enabling many opportunities for every age group of people’.
Achieving all set aims one by one and stroking strongly through five continents, the students satisfaction has been one of the aims that have been achieved, Davut explained.
Becoming sister universities with the Cyprus American University, it was underlined that KAU is going to become a brand school just like the Girne American University, with the help of an experience of 30 academic years, Davut added on, ‘with its quali8ty education vision of 30years, the GAU will be transferring its enlightenment to KAU and will be proving its leading role in education.’
Davut also stressed on the hardship that has been lived through whilst the school is abroad. More by front the TRNC is been introduced overseas and so after the university gets introduced. There aren’t many enlightened and at the knowledge of the TRNC. This is the reason why we work with the passion of self-sacrifice, in order to appendage our country firstly and then our university.
Seeking attention to the location, developed and modernized region of the GAU which enables many education opportunities, Davut mentioned ‘Spring Festivals’ held every year, expressing that ‘the festival this year was held with a very rich and colourful program. With high attendance rates, the festival has proven it has a successful organization’.
Explaining that they have attended to overseas presentation activities, assoc. prof. Dr Sualp Davut underlined the following feelings, ‘we are repeatedly introducing the GAU and its attached institutions abroad. The attention towards our university has increased dramatically through the past few years’.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Sualp Davut continued with the following words, ‘In the past few years native students are beginning to prefer the GAU, summing on to the international campuses of GAU, foreign students are been allured at the difference of the GAU. Students preferring us that are coming from Turkey are also able to study at abroad campuses with the scholarship provided by GAU’.
‘Win Cyprus, study in England’, is the opportunity enabled only by the Girne American University.