Brothers Solidarity From GAU and AUC



Brothers Solidarity From GAU and AUC

Brothers solidarity from GAU and AUC

Secretary General of American University of Cyprus (AUC) Erhan Vechi, explained, by making important statements in the TV program he participated, that they would always take benefit from the experiences of the sister university GAU, and stated that " American University of Cyprus will create the most sacred bridge between modern day and history by adding scientific color to Nicosia`s unique texture."


Vechi, while stating that they received quite a long way in a short time, stated that "One of the most important missions of our university is to give liberal education. We will provide an education like the American education system, in line with the capabilities of the students in such a way that one can improve and develop themselves. Currently we have 3 Faculties here; Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Business & Economics and Faculty of Political Sciences. In total there are 6 departments and god willing we will be able to take students from September. It will put a smile on the face of our artisans in the region that there is such an institution.” Secretary General of AUC Erhan Vechi gave the following information about the faculties:


Faculty of Political Sciences: Political Science, Public Administration and Department of International Relations are formed from academicians, who can provide the highest quality of education in their own subject. These departments are aimed to be at the highest level in terms of universal quality with the events, which will be organized together with President of the European Association of Diplomats, assistants and members and further with academics and diplomats from USA, Germany, England and Japan, next to education from lecturers of Republic of Turkey and TRNC.

Faculty of Fine Arts: As with our other faculties, education will be provided with very well selected academicians in Department of Architecture and Department of Plastic Arts. These departments, beside the fact that the education have quality, will be contributing to the restoration of the building fabric, which have the characteristic of a historical artifacts, with their works and while performing the preservation of historic and cultural heritage and the transfer of it to the future generations, and apart from creating modern works, it will actualize the training of our students in a virtual lab environment.

Faculty of Business & Economics: Business Department with International Hospitality and Tourism Departments aims to bring business managers and tourism professionals who have received a very good education. We aim to receive quality certification from the world`s foremost accreditation agencies, like GAU, with our programs and events which will be held with academics from Turkey and TRNC and lecturers employed from various countries.



Collaboration with GAU


AUC Secretary General Vechi stated that "Instead of growing fast, GAU will be utilized under the present protocol, especially in the English Foundation School stage. Vechi explained that on the basis of Republic of Turkey, Cyprus and other countries, the number of students to be admitted at the university each year are foreseen as 250, 400, 600, 750 and 800, by achieving a capacity of 2,500 students at the end of the first five years, following the establishment process of the university, and stated that they are precisely determined  to provide the highest quality of education to students, at the American University of Cyprus, which is a student-centered university.