GAU Signed a Partnership Agreement With 3 Universities



GAU Signed a Partnership Agreement With 3 Universities

An Educational partnership agreement was signed between GAU and the 3 universities which are originally from Poland.


The GAU Acting Rector Prof. Dr.Sadık Ülker stated that they have signed a corresponding agreement towards the partnership, the agreement will be in progress in the future period, GAU spreading out to five continents will carry on throughout its path by expanding.


The GAU Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Sadık Ülker, The GAU Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zafer Ağdelen, The Head  of GAU Sports, Culture and Health departments Türkay Akpınar attended the signing ceremony.


The universities and rectors that have attended the signing ceremony that has taken place at the GAU Rector Building are;


Rector Jolanta Zysko Ph.D. (Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management)

Rector Dr.Irena Tomys (University of Business in Wroclaw)

Chairmain Mehmet Orhun Eskici (Vistula University)