GAU Team Got Full Marks From The Maneuver



GAU Team Got Full Marks From The Maneuver

Girne American University Search and Rescue Team, who actively participated at the National Disaster and Emergency Preparedness maneuver, which was held throughout the TRNC, got full marks by carrying out the assigned duties ideally at the maneuver, which was performed realistically. Girne American University Search and Rescue Team took part actively at the maneuver, which a total of 874 staff, 126 vehicles, 30 institutions and organizations the participated throughout the TRNC.


Prof. Dr. Günhan Erdem, Girne American University Lecturer and Head of Emergency and Disaster Department, stressed that, GAU search and rescue student team, which was organized within IUSARC, has also participated at the work named "Disaster and national emergency preparedness maneuver 2015" and that they carried out their assigned tasks in Girne, in accordance to the flow of events prepared in disaster scenarios.


Günhan stressed that, Girne American University student teams has actively participated at the maneuver, which was performed in Girne.


Also, The International Universities Search and Rescue Council have followed the works related to the maneuver.