Social Media Courses for Adults From GAU-SEM



Social Media Courses for Adults From GAU-SEM

Girne American University (GAU) organizes computer, internet and social media courses for adults in 2014-2015 academic year which celebrated its 30th anniversary.


Courses will be 16 hours in total which will be held under the title “ Here there are at Facebook “ and organized by Life-Long Education Center GAU-SEM which provides education under GAU.


Registrations will be made between 2 April and 13 April and is expected to be an intense participation in the course.


The topics of the program will be established as follows:


General information about computer concepts


What is social media, how can I be more active, use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


Use of social media in the phone


Using search engines (Google, etc.), how do we find what we were looking on the internet


Lifetime of healthy. Dosage set good


Spots to be considered while surfing in web pages


Online shopping is not difficult as much as you might guess or a dangerous


Creating email accounts and use


Sending files, saving incoming files


Photo archiving and loading (Cloud-PC)