Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi Evaluated The Agenda in The TV Program



Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi Evaluated The Agenda in The TV Program

Vehbi: “We make no concessions on quality”


Girne American University (GAU) CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board of Administrators Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi emphasized the importance of quality in the education.  Vehbi stated that as GAU Administration they give priority to the quality and nowadays raising educated individuals increased in value, for this reason, giving up from the quality in education will not a matter of discussion for them.


Vehbi who underlined that the GAU is in a perfect area in respect of  location, academic staff consist of outstanding names  and student satisfaction is in the spot height  for the university continued his words thus; “We are very determined to provide our students any kind of opportunity.”


“We attach importance to art activities”


Asım Vehbi explained that as GAU they attach great importance to art activities and referred that; “We are very glad because of the Theatre Days that we organized the second one this year. As is known; art is one of the most important bridge which refreshes as long as it is performed, gains value over the years and which is being built from past to future. Therefore, the permanence and the proliferation of art gain more importance than the usual. We, as GAU Administration, place great importance to the performing arts and we are very happy to fulfill one of the most basic duties of us by means of making contribution to the art and artists.”


GAU Second Theatre Days


The perspective of GAU to the art and the artist is in the point where it should be.


Our University is very proud of hosting the theatre and performing arts which is one of the most important cornerstones of art.


As the family of GAU, we express our appreciation from hosting GAU Second Theatre Days and we thank you to all people, institutions and organizations which contributed in arranging this activity.


Busses held in the customs


Asım Vehbi who also touched on the subject of service busses in his speech recorded the followings;


“If only there is public transportation system in our country so that these problems would not happen. After all we carry our students. We do not earn any income from this.”                              


“We, as GAU, expand our investments in contemplation of attaining the quality in transportation in the meaning of servicing the students and in the meaning of prioritizing the student satisfaction. At the same time, we provide alternative contributions to the governments."