“#50 Art Exhibition” Continues to Attract Attention



“#50 Art Exhibition” Continues to Attract Attention

Girne American University (GAU) continues to organize art as it celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2014-2015 academic year.


 “#50 Art Exhibition” opening ceremony prepared with the participation of 30 artists was held with the attendance of GAU Vice Chancellor of the board Olgun Üstün, GAU General Secretary Assist. Prof. Dr. Sualp Davut, GAU Head of Culture, Sports and Health Department Türkay Akpınar and many artists, academics and students.


Dean of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri who speaking at the opening of the exhibition, congratulated artists and students who contributed to the exhibition.


Hossein Sadri thanks to the artist undertook the exhibition’s curator Toya Akpınar and Architecture Lecturers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinem Zeybekoğlu Sadri and Senem Ertener, also stated over 30 artists and students participated in this exhibition work realized in order to stake a claim to historic heritage and common memories, to give life to forgotten places would be open to the audience for 4 days.


Exhibition will be open in 900 years historical Aya Hrisotrimiotis Church, located next to the GAU dorm, between 10:00-18:00 hours until Saturday, April 4 for art lovers.