GAU: "Transportation Problem Turned Into A Grocery-Market Fight"



GAU: "Transportation Problem Turned Into A Grocery-Market Fight"

The problems recently experienced on the universities in the country which was established with Girne American University (GAU) in the beginning of the 80s and helped our country to develop in the area as the strongest sector in the past 30-year period has been unfortunately converted to a "grocery-store fight" and were intended to be sacrificed for the sake of national interests, political and personal income.


Our university has put its hand under the rock to fulfill the services of the public transport sector that has not yet been created under the State-Government and Local governments, was blocked aside from being encouraged, was charged to protect the interest of small groups and was intended to be shown as a target.


As the Girne American University management, we want the following facts to be known along with the fact that the services provided by the university cannot be restricted with education.


1. Problems with students’ living environments are not just connected with the university administration they are registered, but also with the government and local administrations.

  1. All kinds of transportation, accommodation, food and beverage related problems faced by university students in the social life, will lead to problems that cannot be recovered for the higher education sector in the coming days.
  2. The detained buses in custom which are purchased by the Girne American University due to transportation problems of the students and the elimination of this problem are also closely followed by the public, the reasons of this meaningless and pointless blocking are questioned.
  3. 3.    The general approach of Girne American University which acted in accordance with what legislation is implemented on public transportation so far, is to help its students who are the victims of inadequate and away from modernity public transportation.
  4. Girne American University who has no struggle with any government or institution, will maintain its determination to benefit from all rights recognized by the general practice as in other universities.
  5. 4.    Girne American University`s service concept was never based on personal interests as others, and the struggle given on the way to reaching the future targets with worldwide prestigious services was never and will not be compromised.
  6. Those who are careless enough to accuse Girne American University, which is proud to serve and offer education to nearly 100 villas, should never forget that they are to accuse each and every person living on their country.
  7. 5.    It is very clear that this purposeful behavior towards usurping the right of education and transportation of our students is disapproved and rejected by the public.

We hope that; the misapplication carried out against the Girne American University will come to an end and the vehicles abandoned to rot in the custom will be returned to the service of our students as soon