Bareke,” New Job Opportunities are Available as Technology in Health Develops”



Bareke,” New Job Opportunities are Available as Technology in Health Develops”

The GAU Health Academy Vice Director Halin Bareke provided information about the departments on the TV program she had attended.


Bareke, stated that the nursing academy was the first department the open at GAU’s health department and that when we look at it today along with the other seven departments there are master degree programs as well. Bareke, while emphasizing that there is ergotherapy, nutrition diabetic and health management courses in English medium, stated that the health academy that was established last year is a two year ongoing Turkish academy and that it was created for educating assistants in the health field. Bareke stating that there is eight departments within GAU, said that these are; anaesthesia technician, operating room technician, radiotherapy, elderly care, medical imaging, medical documentation and secretary, first and emergency aid and health business management. Bareke stated that the initial aim of these departments were to educate people that will take place in the new face of the health industry, and also emphasized that medicine has improved and that maybe fifty years ago there were no need for these departments but now with the developments and aging population a department for elderly care and cancer cases increasing there is need for the establishment for these departments and careers to educate people that can help in radiotherapy and that will comprehend with the improving technology.


Bareke in the following of her statement gave detailed information about the anaesthesia technician, operating room services, medical documentation and secretary, medical imaging, molecular level and elderly care departments present within the GAU Health Career Academy.