GAU Academian Yıldız Evaluated The Importance of Women and The Usage of Turkish



GAU Academian Yıldız Evaluated The Importance of Women and The Usage of Turkish



Girne American University (GAU) Faculty of Education/ Head of Turkish Teaching Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Osman Yıldız made a statement about Turkish women’s place in history and the improvement of Turkish Language.


Yıldız who stated that we need to own the values of the Republic of which Ataturk established and added that; “With the republic, basic consideration about equality of women and men established a powerful background over the time”. Yıldız who explained that nowadays it is being tried to rasp this acquirements by means of downgrade said that “Unfortunately the effort of secluding women and eliminating them from the social life are wanted to be brought up as it was years ago. This consideration which sees the women as God’s trusts to men is made up of a reflection of ‘Dominant Men’ notion.


Yıldız: “After the Republic, with the acceptance of Latin alphabet, millennial captivity was completely destroyed”


Yıldız who also mentioned about Turkish in his speech said that “Turkish which is one of the oldest languages in the world made it possible to achieve much significant work with its specific alphabet, after passing to the Arabic alphabet which was not suitable for the phonetic system of Turkish; era of millennial captivity has started.”


Yıldız who emphasized that until the years of Republic, uphill struggles about Turkish had been campaigned and added that; “After the republic, with the acceptance of Latin alphabet, millennial captivity has completely destroyed. Nowadays powers who try to make the Arabic letters a part of the education again, are just made up of no avail efforts which are in great fallacy”


Besides, he stated that it is need to talk the Turkish properly by following the rules and he pointed out that especially lately, street languages have been came into prominence, and said that “Unity of language is one of the ground rule for protecting the current language. For this reason, people who go out in public should speak central ‘Istanbul Turkish’ in their speeches. Protecting and maintaining the Turkish Culture Unity is so important.” He also referred that especially Turkish teachers need to be more sensitive in this issue.


Osman Yıldız who also take attention to the Role of Women in Education in his speech said that in the Turkish Republic culture, women and men were equal to each other throughout the history, after a while women were deprived from the education and to destroy this deprivation long-termed fight has been putting up and he also added that “With the republic, these rights have been gained back. At the present time, still there are efforts for secluding women and pulling them out of the social life. Firstly, we must emphasize that the consideration which sees the women as God’s trust to men is a reflection of dominant men notion. Regarding this issue, we need to be careful even when choosing our expressions.”