GAU and Lapta Municipality Signed an Agreement Within The Framework of EU English Education Program



GAU and Lapta Municipality Signed an Agreement Within The Framework of EU English Education Program

GAU Life-Long Education Centre (GAU-SEM) and Lapta Municipality cooperated to officially launch the English Education programs by applying to European Unions, Regional Development project.


Lapta Mayor Fuat Namsoy participated to the agreement ceremony that was signed between GAU-SEM and Lapta Municipality, on behalf of GAU, General Secretary Asst. Prof. Dr. Sual Davut and GAU SEM Coordinator Aşgül Nacak signed the agreement.   Once the total of 22 month study is completed, participants will be given internationally valid “English Language Certificate.” In the statement made by GAUSEM Coordinator Nacak about the issue, it was emphasized that the project of  Lapta Municipality and GAUSEM which will last approximately 2 years, Lapta municipality will take shape within the context of science and English training programs which to be implemented to the residents of Lapta region.


Lapta Mayor Fuat Namsoy who made a statement at the signature ceremony explained further:


Namsoy said, “We signed a special and meaningful agreement with GAU today. We made our application within the context of regional development and development projects in Cyprus which emerged short time ago as a European Union grant program. From the total of 1 million Euros entrusting leading up to north-west coast , the municipality have received the portion of 555 thousand Euros out of the highest figure of 600 thousand euro in grant donation.  While this project is a very comprehensive project ever, today we only signed for only the initial pillar of our agreement. A short while ago, we only went to tender for the course that was going to be given in Lapta which was the English education course.  4 firms showed participation in this tender and as a result, our bidding commission has decided to do English education courses at GAU and in this respect, we have started our work with the agreement we signed today. Placement tests will take place for the trainees that will be determined in our area on 30 March and after this placement test, English courses will be provided by creating 3 different classes according to their level. Thus this course process will continue approximately for 22 months. At the end of 22 months, our successful participants will be awarded with internationally recognized certificates. I am very happy to work on this subject with the GAU. As a matter of fact GAU is with us in our other projects and in our regional development projects. I am thanking again, and wishing you all good luck.”


GAU General Secretary Asst. Prof. Dr. Sualp Davut made the following statements:


Davut stated, “First of all I would like to thank our Mayor.  As GAU family, firstly we thank Lapta Municipality for choosing us. Accordingly to the agreement, high level courses will be provided over the course of 22 months cooperatively with Lapta municipality.  Of course, these will be at a certain level, in proven quality and will be EQUALS certified courses as our Mayor had mentioned.  So it means that, we expect a significant increase in the level of English of those who participate in this course. These courses predominantly will be at Chetau Lambousa Hotel which is situated within the boundaries of Lapta Municipality.  At the end of 22 months, certificate of achievement will be presented to the trainees who were successful. They will be able benefiting from these in their future lives. I would like to thank Lapta Municipality and wish everyone the very best.”


According to the signed agreement, English Education courses will officially begin with the organized placement test on 30 March 2015.


In the statement made by GAUSEM Coordinator Ayşegül Nacak also emphasized “The importance and necessity of lifelong education which is increasing day by day in today’s society, and also the need of individuals and institutions who are capable of capturing the era and have continuous learning skills are increasing at the same rate.”


Nacak reported; “Starting the movement with the truth of social development which can only be provided with the individual development, and GAUSEM which carries the responsibility of producing contemporary information, is under the roof of GAU which has over 30 years of educational experience, international identity and has standards that are being recognized intercontinentally with the accreditations.