Iran Ambassador Visits GAU



Iran Ambassador Visits GAU

Visiting Girne American University (GAU), the ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran Prof. Dr. Reza ZABİB has personally talked with the Iranian students and academicians of GAU. He has also exchanged ideas with the authorities of the university about the cooperation of cultural, scientific matters.


In the statement related to the topic, it was emphasized that the visitation has been realized as a convention and Dr. Pantea FARMANESH has made a speech as a representative of the Iranian students. Mentioning how glad he was about seeing the Iranian students at GAU and also underlining the development of GAU at the close rage since his 8 years of education life at the GAU, Dr. Pantea FARMANESH has stated that “ The students of GAU specially that are in the process of doctorate and master’s degree, before writing a thesis, either in the terms of personal information or to have up-to-date information about the scientific fields, it will be a great advantage to write an international indexed  articles and publish them in the ISI journal. He has also stated that the laboratories, simultaneous system, applied courses and the library of the university fulfill the requests of the students and provide an adaptation for the students in the terms of scientific."


Realizing a speech by the Iranian faculty members, Prof. Dr. Ghadir GOLKARIAN has emphasized that the universities are the learning cribs and they will provide the dynamics of the future world in solidifying the relations between the universities. He has also added that the ones that maintain their lives abroad either as a student or as a faculty member, they also work as the cultural diplomats. 


“The academicians of the GAU and the students are considered as the cultural diplomatic bodies and members between Iran and TRNC. Today, these people are sharing the same fate in lifting the isolations and embargos of Iran and TRNC and fraternally exchange cultures.


If Girne American University’s diplomas become equal by the Iran at the level of master’s degree and doctorate, the capacity of the Iranian students will increase soon and they will carry the proud global name of the university with them and they will work as the instructors at our future university. This will lead to the success between the two countries. Having 12 faculty members here are the demonstration of the faith to the Iranian staffs scientific knowledge and I think our ambassador does share the same thoughts.”


Golkarian has also added that having almost 2000 students in the country is an advantage and the accreditation of the diplomas of the master’s degree and doctorate students should be considered as essential and should be paid attention by the Iran. It is also mentioned that GAU’s teaching staff, student capacity, international ranking and rating growths and also the student profiles are as high quality as the famous universities. The emphasis was made on the vision of GAU which generates as the source of success and development within the framework in which university authorities are intimately showing interest to any concern with sincerity.


Acting Rector of GAU Prof. Dr. Sadık ÜLKER has stated the importance of Iran ambassador’s attendance to the university and stated that many meetings will be realized. Ülker have emphasized that GAU has increased its number of activities since its establishment and that currently there are over 150 Iranian students in GAU. Ülker also stressed the current cooperation with the Iran University.


Iran ambassador Prof. Dr. Reza ZABİB has stated that he is among the Iranian people and also he is honored about the support for the students by the GAU and giving effort to equal the level of master’s degree and doctorate is the demonstration of the care of the Iran students.


Zabib has continued: “there is a deep cultural relation between the two countries. Even being kept under the embargos for 25 years, Iran is among the 10 countries in the fields of bio-technics and Nano-technology. Today, even the universities of the island are under the embargos, many citizens are here for the education and we are glad in this sense.


Golkarian has explained that there are many Iranian students and staff. He has reached the conclusion that the university has been picked very carefully and he is very happy to be with the citizens here. According to the statement by our rector, we hope that the cooperation among the universities would be stronger and thus we stand as the safeguards of science in this sense. I, as an academician, declare my happiness to take place in the academic fields and today is very important for me.


Golkarian also added that “having heard from the academicians and the students that the university is successful and also their gladness; this make us happy once again. To have this community together nevertheless that the Iranian students are abroad they still love their motherland and protect their identities thus this is another source of pride.”


An appreciation plaque has been presented to the ambassador by the GAU, and has also awarded the successful students monetarily and has presented the certificate of appreciation to the faculty members.


At the end of the visitation, during the lunch with the authorities, the process of equality and cooperation had been discussed in detail. In the statement, CEO of GAU and also the Vice Chancellor of the Board Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi has stated that the approvals for the pharmacy and dentistry have been received and in the future, to conduct common projects and make cooperation in these fields in Iran universities, it was emphasized that many plans of the university are significantly being considered.