Great Attention For The 3rd Exhibition Organised by GAU and AUC Working Together



Great Attention For The 3rd Exhibition Organised by GAU and AUC Working Together

Celebrating its 30th year in the 2014-2015 Academic year, Girne American University (GAU), is co-operating with partner, Cyprus American University (CAU) and surfacing Turkish Cypriot history by organizing an exhibition, “No.3 Exhibition.”


At the opening of the exhibition that had great interest, GAU Board of Trustees Memduh Erdal and his wife Sevim Erdal, GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of The Board Serhat Akpınar, Nicosia, Turkish Major Mehmet Harmancı, GAU’s CEO and  Vice Chancellor of Board of Administrators Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi, Vice Chancellor- Olgun Üstün, GAU staff, academics, students and the public participated.  After the speeches the participants wondered the exhibition as groups.

The Exhibition Will Be Open For Visits On The 14th March, Between 19:00-21:00


The exhibition includes the life of Müftü Hacı Ali Rıfkı and his familys’ art work and the visions of that time period. It emphasizes Müftü Hacı Ali Rıfkı’s family archives of World War I. and II. and the Ottoman and English time periods that the residents witnessed the domination and structures. Reflecting the first days of the Cyprus Republic and the struggle between the years of 1963-1975 the exhibition will be held at, Nicosia, Arabahmet, Kamil Paşa Street in the building numbered 3, up until the 14th March during 19:00-21:00 can be visited every day.