GAU Continues to Make Difference With Its International Campuses



GAU Continues to Make Difference With Its International Campuses

GAU Sri Lanka Campus Continues Graduate


Girne American Universtiy (GAU) continues to graduate in its generic campuses located all over the world in 2014-2015 academic year which is the 30th anniversary of GAU.


In the statement made, it was specified that GAU Sri Lanka campus commenced its initial enrollments in 2009 and graduates dozens of students each year through the agreement with the Metropolitan College which is located in Dehiwala – Mont Lavinia in Sri-Lanka. It is also stated that GAU Sri Lanka campus contains Psychology Department in itself. Alongside with the bearing the name of TRNC in all over the world, these campuses also presents truly global education.


GAU has been the center of global education integrated with the world by with its 30 years of scientific knowledge by carrying its border outside of Cyprus. It was also emphasized in statement that Sri Lanka which is one of the major port area of South Asia and the academic programs of Girne American University generic Sri Lanka campus has a great importance for system of higher education with TRNC.

GAU overseas campuses contribute to the Promotion of TRNC by drilling the isolations.


In addition, it was underlined in the statement that GAU’s international campuses located in Turkey, England, USA and Hon Kong provide important contributions to the country`s promotion and they have started to be the Voice of the Turkish Cypriot community in the world by drilling the isolations.