“Kurmanjan - Datka - Queen of the Mountains” GAU Cyprus Premier



“Kurmanjan - Datka - Queen of the Mountains” GAU Cyprus Premier

GAU in its 2014-2015 Academic Year celebrating its 30th Anniversary hosted the Cyprus Premier “Kurmanjan - Datka – Queen of the Mountains” film which is a Kirghiz film candidate for the Oscar.


The TRNC Minister of Education - Özdemir Berova, the GAU Acting Rector - Prof. Dr. Sadık Ülker, the Assistant-Director of the “Kurmanjan – Datka” film - Nika Djoldoşeva, the Faculty Deans, academicians, the Kirghiz people living in TRNC and the students attended the event held at the GAU Cyprus Kyrenia Campus International Convention Centre Spectrum Hall. At the film screening organized by the Kirghiz students studying at GAU there was also an exhibition and the treat of local foods held at the lounge area. Before the screening of the film a dance show and a music recital were performed by the Kirghiz GAU students.


The GAU Acting Rector - Prof. Dr. Sadık Ülker said the following in his speech at the event:-


“We are all going to watch a film which is very important for the Kirghiz people and is shown as a candidate for the Oscar.  As a University we are honoured to host such a good and meaningful presentation. We have a lot of students coming from Kirghizstan and we also have academic partnership agreements with universities in Kirghizstan.  I thank everyone who has a part in the making of the film, please enjoy the film”


Taking place at the presentation as a honoured guest, the TRNC Minister of Education - Özdemir Berova in his speech stated that the event that had been organized was very meaningful and said that he had enjoyed the welcoming and the local treats held at the lounge area. Berova while expressing that Cyprus is improving in becoming a higher education system, stated that of the 70 thousand university students that are on the island, about 1000 of them are consisted of Kirghiz students.  He also thanked everyone who had taken part in this Oscar candidate film and asked  everyone to enjoy the film.


The Assistant-Director of the “Kurmanjan – Datka” film - Nika Djoldoşeva in her speech gave detailed information about the film and said that the film had cost 1.5 million.  She also said that they have received more attention to the film than they had expected, she said that she is happy to be in Cyprus and that she likes it very much, then she extended her thanks to GAU for their invitation and hospitality.