
2014 - 2015 Midterm Make Up Exams Schedule
2014 - 2015 midterm make up exams will take place between 15-19 december. The students who will attend the make up exams should contact the course lecturers.
Beşeri Bilimler Fakültesi
2014-2015 Güz Dönemi Vize Telafi Sınav Listesi
Student ID | Department | Course Code | Course Code | Course Code | Course Code | Course Code |
O80402032 | Psychology | PSY337 | PSY341 | PSY345 | PSY470 | PSY471 |
080402087 | Psychology | SOC102 | PSY361 | PSY321 | CS201 |
130422032 | Psychology | EGL101 |
080402025 | Psychology | PSY213 | PSY251 |
110308070 | Energy Systems Engineering Department | PSYC100 |
130502026 | Department of Translation and Interpretation | TRA109 |
100402003 | Psychology | PSY467 |
110402013 | Psychology | PSY331 | PSY361 |
100402035 | Psychology | PSY451 |
120402289 | Psychology | PSY211 |
100402093 | Psychology | PSY451 | PSY221 |
110402107 | Psychology | PSY218 | PSY221 | PSY251 | PSY337 | PSY361 |
140404004 | Chinese Language and Litreture | CLA |