

2020-2021 Fall Courses and Registration Process

Dear Students of Business and Economics Faculty

Course registration at the Business Faculty started as of October 1st 2020 and will continue till the 9th of October 2020.  All of the registrations will be done online. 


1- You can find the steps that you need to follow at the link below. 


New students - Welcome to GAU and the Faculty. We’re looking forward to getting to know you. Please follow all of the steps in the link. 

Current students- We miss you a lot and are looking forward to seeing you again. Please follow the steps except for the first two (since you have done them before). 

According to these steps, you need to get in touch with your advisor after completing the transactions at the Accounts Office. So if you are planning to take an extra course ( graduating in Fall 2020-2021, or you want to use your right to buy extra credits as you have a CGPA above 2.50 etc.) please mention it in your email when you get in touch with the Accounts Office and ask them about the steps to follow. Please CC your course supervisor to this email if you are graduating and in need of an extra course(s). Each course at the Faculty is 3 credits, and all extra courses will be charged based on the rates decided by the Accounts Office. 

2- After finalizing your transactions with the Accounts Office, please have a look at the program for your department and your transcript in order to decide about the courses you need to take. 

All ASc. Programs - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xIbRjOV40Jduugfrf_Scfk_exrQxuNF6/view?usp=sharing 

BSc. Business Management - https://drive.google.com/file/d/19fNzZReNanZ6oxsz27JSgwMhTvDXyrMe/view?usp=sharing

BSc. International Business Management - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qgwnFrnpUgnJgNDYrmCyiwqyrKUQNpP2/view?usp=sharing

BSc. Accounting - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VXr3LQKDoflbuAm4wRsk3MEmellZvtv_/view?usp=sharing

BSc. Economics- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TZ7iJEWTT-3x_RGo-Z7bX0LcfBZ5GSWz/view?usp=sharing

BSc. Marketing - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rldp8UenUwEo0e5XsEclgRhnslRl5oRL/view?usp=sharing

BSc. Banking and Finance - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yJAtpUXg1Zn3IB7pyaLjFY8QwxFHNLMC/view?usp=sharing

BSc. Management Information Systems - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gafp8fRHNGuFgceOdVa3DPooLhSzk4u5/view?usp=sharing

BSc Fast Track Programmes can be found here-  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TeqnU3553t1PwCFgK1PrZ7pPJEYAiZ1r?usp=sharing

All Master and PhD Programs- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YWYNFz9rB7oII_lwQezQoMCtINLWe1SD/view?usp=sharing

3- You can find the courses that are offered in Fall 2020-2021 with their days/times and online/hybrid status in the following link (alphabetically ordered by course code).   


Please select your courses from these, considering the requirements of your department. Make sure that you do not select courses that you have already passed or courses that clash with each other. You can find the courses you have passed in your transcript (available at your student portal). For TBC courses please check the same link for updates.  

If this is your last semester and you could not find your core courses in the link (for example some Spring semester core courses), please let us know about the courses by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/e5VHbvk8k6UqztJn6

4- Sign-in to your student portal and add the courses that you chose and save them. 

If you cannot find a course in the list, select the button for “Add a non-listed course” or “Listede olmayan ders ekle.” 

Next, you can find the University common courses (COMP103/COMP104, EGL101/102, CS201/202, NH001/NH002, TURK001/TURK002 etc.), if you select “University Common” and “Faculty Common” in the two drop down menus. 

You can find rest of the Business Faculty courses by selecting “Faculty of Business & Economics” and either “Faculty Common” or select a specific “Department” in the drop down menu. 

Graduate students please select “Graduate School of Social Sciences” and then select a specific “Department” to see a list of courses. For all list of other courses, in the second drop down menu, select “Faculty Common.”

5- After saving the courses in your student portal, please check the name of your supervisor. Please send an email asking your supervisor to check and confirm your registration. You can find the email addresses for all the faculty at the link below. Please do not forget to include your name, surname and student number in the email.  After saving the courses, we will be able to see that your registration is “Waiting for Approval” in our system. After receiving your email or seeing your registration,  your advisor will complete your registration. Please allow for two working days for this process.


6- After your courses are confirmed in the system, please check if the courses on your transcript for the Fall 2020-2021 semester are complete and accurate.  You are not going to be considered "registered" without your advisor's approval. After the approval, your formal registration is complete.


7- In order to take your courses online or as Hybrid - Please register/sign-in to the E-learning platform at https://elearning.gau.edu.tr/ and enroll into each course in your transcript. Please check both the course code and the lecturers name before enrolling the course.  If you enroll into a wrong course/lecturer, you will not be able to access the correct course materials and you might also miss important announcements. Access to your BlackBoard online video lessons will be posted in the course. Please check your E-learning account regularly for updates. 


We wish you a healthy and a successful semester!!


Faculty of Business and Economics 

Please regularly follow GAU and Faculty announcements for any changes that may occur based on changes from the decisions of YODAK and the TRNC Council of Ministers.