1. Introduction of Faculty Members and Course Content
Faculty members and course content will be introduced during the orientation.
2. Attendance Rules
Classes begin on the hour and last for 45 minutes. There is a 15-minute break between sessions. Attendance is taken within the first 15 minutes of class. Students who arrive late may join the class but will be marked absent. This rule also applies to instructors: if an instructor arrives more than 15 minutes late, the class will be canceled.
3. NG Rules
NG rules will be shared in the upcoming revision.
4. Mobile Phone Usage
The use of mobile phones during class is prohibited (except in emergencies). If this rule is violated, the instructor reserves the right to dismiss the student from the class.
5. Office Hours
Students are kindly requested to visit their instructors during the designated office hours. The lunch break is from 13:00 to 14:00. If students cannot come during office hours, they must either email the instructor or schedule an appointment by filling out the appointment form at the secretary's office.
6. For AVM 430 Students Only
Projects must be submitted on time. Excuses for late submissions will be evaluated by the instructor. The final submission deadline for projects will be announced by the instructor.
7. Uniform Standards
CACS students are required to attend classes in full and proper uniform. The same rule applies to their attendance in courses from other faculties. Necessary monitoring will be conducted on this matter.
8. Working Students
Working students must arrange their working hours in accordance with their class schedule. No flexibility will be provided in this regard.
9. Courses in Other Faculties
Aviation faculty students will be informed about the courses they will take in other faculties.
10. Mock-Up Training
General information will be provided regarding the preparation stages and subsequent procedures. The steps involved, necessary preparations, and relevant details will be explained sufficiently and in detail as the training progresses.