Decisions Regarding the 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester



Decisions Regarding the 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester

Dear Students,


In accordance with the decisions of the TRNC Council of Ministers dated February 13, 2021 and Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) dated February 17, 2021, our University Senate has taken the following decisions regarding the 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring semester.

1- Our students who will not be able to come to the TRNC due to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, will conduct their courses online.

2- Our students in the TRNC will be able to continue their education with a sparsely distributed arrangement and blended-method (hybrid model) depending on the course of the pandemic process and within the framework of the health measures taken at our University.

3- Our students of Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, School of Nursing, School of Health, School of Sports, Gastronomy Department and Marine School Department of Deck who are studying in the final year of their programs and will be graduating at the end of spring 2020-2021 semester are required to return to TRNC according to the framework of recommendations of Turkish Higher Education Council and decisions of TRNC Council of Ministers. These students will conduct their applied education under the Covid-19 Pandemic measures determined by our University. These students will be able to start following their courses online until 5th of April 2021, in consideration of the arrival to TRNC and the quarantine period.

Students in countries where travel to TRNC is not available will be excluded from this planning.

In such cases related faculty of school will inform the students of the details of alternative implementation. 

4- The PCR tests and quarantine fees of the students coming to the TRNC for the 2020-2021 Spring semester will be covered by the government.

5- All 2020-2021 Spring semester courses will start online on March 1, 2021.



GAU Rectorate


Note: These decisions may vary according to the new decisions of the TRNC Council of Ministers, YÖK and / or YÖDAK, depending on the course of the global epidemic. 

Those students who will return to TRNC should inform their related faculty or school of their arrival details by 10th March 2021, in order to ensure that all relevant arrangements in relation to quarantine period are implemented.