Graduation Ceremony 2019



Graduation Ceremony 2019

Dear Graduate Candidates,

According to the decision made by Board of Directors 2019 Graduation Ceremony will be held in 2 different groups.

Students who graduated Fall 2018, will be graduating  end of the 2019 Spring and Summer semester are eligible to participate. The Group details are based on Faculties and Applied Schools.

Applications will start 18th MARCH 2019 from the Admissions Office.  Deadline of the applications is 30th APRIL 2019; late applications will not be accepted. Students who have already graduated at Fall 18 can apply by e-mail (



31 MAY 2019



01 JUNE 2019


Vocational School


Faculty of Architecture, Design & Fine Arts

Marine School


School of Health

Faculty of Education


Faculty of Human Sciences

School of Aviation


School of Sports

Faculty of Business and Economics


School of Nursing

School of Applied Sciences


Faculty of Law

Faculty of Political Sciences


Faculty of Engineering

Institute of Science and Technology


Faculty of Health Sciences

Institute of Social Sciences


Faculty of Performing Arts             

Faculty of Business 


Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Communication