The Chairman is the administrative and hierarchical head and supervisor of the Centre and works under the University Rectorate.
In the absence of the Chairman, a member of the Board of Directors to be appointed by him/her acts as his/her deputy.
The Chairman determines the agenda of the Board, but additions to the agenda can be made upon the request of at least two members. Except for urgent situations, agenda items that require prior work are announced to the members at least two days in advance. The Board may change the agenda to be discussed.
Decisions are taken by a simple majority of the members at the meeting. Members of the Editorial Board are required to have at least one of the qualifications to have produced works on the subjects of interest of the Centre, to have proven their researcher identity in the society, and to have a respected personality in the society.
For the publication of a book, the decision of an absolute majority of the members of the Editorial Board and the approval of the Rectorate are required.