
Conference On Entrepreneurship By Baybars Altuntaş At GAU
GAU is hosting the famous entrepreneur, businessman and author Baybars Altuntaş in the 28th Year social activities content for the 2012-2013 academic year programs.
The conference will be held on 14 November 2012 Wednesday at 15:00pm in Girne American University Cyprus Girne Campus International Congress Center Spectrum Hall.
GAU announced that the “Conference on Entrepreneurship by Baybars Aaltuntaş” will be free entrance and open to public.
The summary of Baybar Altuntaş’s Biography; 1970 Istanbul borne Baybars Altuntaş, graduate of Boğaziçi University Department of English Language Teaching. Only in his 3rd year of university he established the Deulcom International- year 1992, and he also established the Turkey Franchising Society in his 2nd year of university- year 1991 and hereby commencing a work of overwhelming impression in Turkey’s world of economy. The education model of Deulcom International which was developed by Altuntaş during his studentship was granted the ‘3rd Fastest Growing Turkish Brand of Eurowards’ and places itself in the world of economy.
Altuntaş whom was chosen to be one of the 40 Boss of Innovation Creators and his life story to be made as documentary by TRT; whom also gives importance to civil community works; after fulfilling his duty of Presidency of Enterprise Council, he was awarded Civil Community Entrepreneurship Award for realizing the project of ‘Beyoğlu: Enterprise Valley’ by the Minister of Transportation Binali Yıldırım.
The conference of ‘How to be a Boss from Scratch’ which is held in tens of universities every year is referencing thousands of university students from all over Turkey and been awarded with various awards by many civil community establishments. He was announces as Guru of Entrepreneurship by İzmir Yeni Asır Yayın Grubu (İzmir New Century Broadcast Group). Hundreds have attended as audience to the conference he held in İzmir as Guru of Entrepreneurship. Finally been chosen as the Entrepreneur of the Year in Cyprus he was awarded by TRNC President Talat.
He was one of the 150 entrepreneurs which were chosen and invited by President Obama to the ‘Entrepreneurship Summit of USA Presidency’ held in White House between the dates of 26-17 April 2010 promoted by the President of USA -Barrack Obama. USA President Barrack Obama accepted Altuntaş in person only before the opening speech of the Summit for receiving the delivery of the letter sent by the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Accepting the letter from Altuntaş, Obama have thank Prime Minister Erdoğan and Turkish Nation in regards of the letter and announced that the 2nd Summit will be held in Turkey.
It was an important advertisement for Turkey for CNN International only making the analysis of the aforementioned Summit in the Washington studios On Air with Baybars Altuntaş out of 250 participants of 60 countries. Altuntaş aiming to provide equivalence of opportunities in education by distributing the education of foreign language and career all around Turkey therefore showing support in recruitment of personnel to close the gaps of the sector, also running the works for distributing the brand of Deulcom International- founded by him- with the franchising system to entire Turkey in person.