
While The Level Of Income Is Incrising In TRNC, Level Of Happiness Is Decresing
After Kyrenia Research Institue which is connected to Girne American University (GAU) made “Yearly Expectation Survey” public, Board Member of GAE Erhan Vechi evaluated the results in the TV program that he joined.
Vechi indicated that they made the yearly expectation survey for the 3rd time this year and he said that:
The purpose of the GAE which was established within the scope of GAU, to be a research institute which scrutinize the political, cultural, social and economic issues of the Cyprus Turkish community. We made this survey for the 3rd time. We tried to clear up our community’s general expectations. We had a chance to made benchmarking because this survey is the 3rd and we had data saving from the other years.
We made the survey study on 941 respondents78 pollsters and 15 controllers. After a well education, our pollsters separated to 5 districts and they were held face to face. We executed the survey study with 35 questions in total with 13 expectations and 17 follow-up questions. We performed the survey study with TRNC citizens who is over 18.
When we compare with the last year, last year happy minority were 3.3 but this year this ratio rose to 7.7. We can connect this number of people who earn 3000-4000 has rose to 18.1 when they were 13.2. As a result, there is a weak rise in the average income distribution.
We receive a reply like “Cyprus Issue” when we ask the most important problem of the country. However, we can see that there is a considerable increase in this ratio.
According to the survey that was filled by the Cyprus community, issues that need to be solved are primarily, health with 14.7% and social insurance after that, bribery and corruption with 13.2% and respectively judicial system, education system, democratic right and liberty and public transport. It seems that Cyprus community want the solution more than from the past years.
Our military is the institution that Cyprus community trust most. According to the survey results, trust to our military was 22.6 last year, but this year this ratio rose to 41.1. Presidency is in the second place and police is in the 3rd place which was in the 2nd place last year. Media is 2.9% and in gloom and doom and there is a distrust to any institution with 7% .
Resolving the Cyprus issue is the main expectation of the Cypriots from the current administration. The other expectation is implementation of the protocol that were made with Turkey.
Cyprus community are not expecting the solution of the Cyprus issue with 66% but there is a 12% rising in the expecting cutting. People think that if the problem won’t be solved, responsible is Cyprus Greek side. We have received the same reply for 3 years. Also, the community think that petrol and natural gas that locate in the Mediterranean, won’t affect the solution process. Just 39.4% of the cuttings say yes. 44% of our community say yes to the question of if there is an effect of the water which was came to Cyprus from Turkey on the Cyprus issue more than the natural gas and petrol’s effect.
65.9% of the people said no to the question that do you believe your salary will be increased in 2016. It is believed that price of the goods and services will increase with 79% with a significant increasing. Government has already started to mark up, our community weren’t mistaken.
Cyprus community say that they receive the news via television with 59.4 after that from the internet with 26.3% and after that from the newspaper and journals with 11.5%. The other proportion says that I learn from my friends or radio. The proportion that says that they don’t buy local newspaper is 47.2%. Who says that I buy every day is 21.4%. The other question is how often do you read the local newspaper? The ones who say I never read is 39.9%. Our community don’t buy but they read elsewhere. People who say that they buy the turkey newspapers every day is 7.7% but 63% of the ratio says I never buy.